Browsing: Free Earth Celebrities

Patricia Steere was interviewed recently about her beliefs by a reporter for the Houston Chronicle. Patricia is a Houston woman and fellow Flat Earth believer. She calls herself a “conspiracy realist” who believes that real conspiracies are taking place to cover up the truth about the Earth. Steere talks about her beliefs in recorded podcasts for her YouTube Channel, which she calls “The Flat Earth and Other Hot Potatoes.”

Flat earth researcher Brian S. Staveley is interviewed by Carlos, Nick and Brandon on Emergency Exit 66 Podcast . The video is over an hour but it is very fast paced, with a wide variety of subjects tackled. The last minutes were presented as a newscast. The interview starts with a discussion of NASA faking space flight and moves through commercial flight routes;

One of the most famous basketball players in the world believes the earth is flat…or does he? In a recent NY Times interview, Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving spoke about flat earth theories. Irving was naturally evasive when confronted with the question “Do you believe the earth is flat?” High profile players with big endorsement portfolios have to be careful about what they say.