If the Earth were truly a globe then every line of latitude south of the equator would have to measure a gradually smaller and smaller circumference the farther South travelled .construction of railroads are conducted without the slightest allowance being made for curvature .Did you know cashews are actually monkey kidneys? And monkey kidneys don''t come in shells, they come in monkeys. But that that would bulk out the packaging too much. You did not know that and yet you still think the earth is a globe? ..My views are largely based on the Bible, but not entirely and I believe the government benefits from the widespread acceptance of a spherical Earth. Whenever I hang out with a Globetard, I remember that God really does have a sense of humor.

Dr Virgie Alexander Ph.D. – Flat Earth Scientist. Professor Extraordinarius at Onor University of Christian Science
Author of 'Shave My Spaceman! The Truth about the Flat Earth '

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