Yes friends, we need a logo!

And the best way to get the best logo is to have a CONTEST!

So here's how it works! You are invited to submit a post, under the "Images & Video" and set the title to LOGO.

You may submit up to 3 submissions if you have 3 different logos you like.

After a week or two, the entry with the highest vote count which also

The logo should represent flat earth in some obvious way if possible.

The logo MUST be safe for family, home, and work.

The logo MUST fully comply with all reddit sitewide rules AND all sub rules for this sub.

May be CGI, scanned/photographed pencil/watercolor/etc artwork, or a photograph — so long as you have the right to share the artwork (i.e. it can't belong to somebody else, so draw it or photograph it yourself, or copy it from other public domain sources.)

The moderator team will then wait for a while to see what the most popular entry is and if they determine it to meet all the requirements, will set it as the sub logo!


“”>View Reddit by Jesse9857View Source


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