I’m often told by FErfs that “the globe model has been debunked”. I inform these people that I’ve been watching FE content for 2-3 years now and have never seen it be debunked. They’ll still insist it has been, yet whenever I ask them to demonstrate how they conveniently have to do something else and never come back.

This is strange to me because they always assert that it’s “easy to debunk”. I would think if it’s so easy they could do it.

Here’s my challenge for FErfs here: please comment down below debunking the globe model. Don’t post video links, don’t tell me what Dave or Mark said, tell me how you think the globe model is debunked.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/zsaznb/debunk_the_globe/”>View Reddit by Nvr_bn_a_paxView Source


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