As many have probably seen on this sub, there have been some arguments attempting to claim that objects fall because of "Incoherent Electrostatic Acceleration"… What exactly is that you wonder?

Well let's break it down and find out how absurd it really is…


Incoherent: In physics, usually referring to light or energy waves, is when the energy being emitted has random frequencies, wavelengths, or phases.

Well… if this really is the case, why do all objects tend to have a consistent weight that does not change? And why do all objects end up falling at a constant speed? If this "downward force" was really the product of an "Incoherent" wave, where are the constant changes we should be witnessing? Strike one…

Electrostatic: Basically, A stationary electric charge or field.

Examples would be, when a piece of plastic sticks to your hand, or when a balloon sticks to your hair via static electricity.

So… how can something be static or unmoving, and acting randomly or Incoherent at the same time? Impossible. Strike two…

Acceleration: The rate of change in velocity per unit of time. Increase in the rate or speed of an object.

So… we know have a randomly unmoving yet increasing force? Yea… strike three…

The basis of this idea of something called "Incoherent Electrostatic Acceleration" is one massive contradiction upon itself. A jumble of words created by flat earthers to use against gravity. A vain attempt at trying to describe the reason that objects fall to the ground.

Mass attracts mass, it's as simple as that, and that's what we call gravity.

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