Simple observations and measurements I’ve done which refute the flat earth:

  • Measure the width of a shadow of a sphere.
  • Measure the spacing of shadows cast by vertical, parallel pipes.
  • Measure the precession of a free swinging pendulum.
  • Highlight the spiral flow of water in a broad, shallow pool that has been allowed to completely settle and still, then drained slowly through a small hole in the center of the bottom.
  • Measure the size of the sun, moon, and stars at different places, times, dates, and elevations.
  • Measure the angular rate of the sun, moon, and stars at different places, times, dates, and elevations.
  • Measure the elevation of the sun at different places, times, dates, and elevations.
  • Measure the distance between two locations which have 1 hour separating local solar noon.

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