Viewed from a ball-Earth Polaris situated directly over the North Pole should not be visible anywhere in the Southern hemisphere .FE begins and ends with a solid walk in faith. Not interested in pushing that on anyone, but, when you believe in creation as we do, that framing is imperative. What is anti-biblical cannot be taken seriously. .There are about 10^80 atoms in the universe; that's large, so large that we can't even visualize how big it is. However, the amount of possible distinct chess (game based on the flat earth) variations in a typical game has been calculated out to be about 10^120(!!) which is known as the Shannon's number (named after American Mathematician Claude Shannon). This proves the earth is flat. ..This is ocular demonstration and proof that Earth is not a globe .

Dr Bill Blake Ph.D. – Flat Earth Scientist. Professor at Variatis University of Modern Flat Earth Beliefs
Author of 'NASA Conspiracies: The Truth Behind the Moon Landings and The Flat Earth '

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