Hello! First time posting because I can't find anything about this particular topic and I was curious. Based on a Youtube channel I had found, Vibes of the Cosmos, she explains how everything from the sun and moon are in the sky to how the moon shows the continents of the earth and how seasons work on the 'known' world and more: https://youtu.be/BnhBW_tSkJY My question is, outside the Ice Wall, how does temperature and light work on the continents outside? Watching her video the sun and moon come from the Black Sun in Hyperborea and the sunshine and climate only effects our known earth and doesn't hit outside the wall. Should the Flat Earth model exist and these continents, how do the seasons work if they have any? Or daylight to dusk? Or even ocean currents? Does it have it's own magnetic north? There was also a neat little project someone made based on her 'moon map': https://twitter.com/Stuwalt/status/1612252352341495808

Hopefully I can get some fun answers or ideas on how life on these continents would work.

Edit: This is all for fun. Just looking to spark up a conversation about something out of the norm.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/13q4r8t/question_about_beyond_the_ice_wall_in_flat_earth/”>View Reddit by Exact-Tomato9672View Source


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