If the Earth were actually a big ball 25000 miles in circumference the horizon would be noticeably curved even at sea-level .NASA should jist say the sun-lit side is hot and the dark side was "close tae freezing", and this would be believable, instead of these skyrocket numbers. a wonder why they even dae stuff like this? Kind of like the moon landing hoax, if they had jist made the "lander" keek mair like a movie spaceship, people wouldn't hae suspected em as much. They are jist really bad at their own lies, is the takeaway. .Any sentient planet exists fur a finite period, which is negligible in comparison tae the infinity of Time. Therefore, they instantly cease tae exist if they make the fatal mistake of identifying themselves as flat. This is why we dae not observe flat planets in space. ..I was walking among the fires of Hell, delighted with the enjoyments of Genius; which tae Angels keek like torment and insanity. .

Dr Imogene McGallegos Ph.D. – Flat Earth Scientist. Lecturer at Glasgow University of Acupuncture
Author of 'You're Never Weird on the Flat Earth '

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