Just look at the FES wiki:

Flat, non-rotating, stationary circular disk of unknown size
Small, local sun, moon, and stars
Conspiracy to cover the truth motivated by greed, power, and control
Antarctica Treaty
Ice wall or other barrier
Bedford Level Experiment
Samuel Rowbotham (ro-bot-ham 🤨)
Faked images
Faked moon landing
Lack of polar circumnavigation
Perspective, barrel distortion, refraction, fish-eye lens
Use of Gleason projection (azimuthal equidistant projection) maps
Water finding level
Horizon rising to eye level
Sun’s light acting like a spotlight
Ring magnets
Curved aircraft windows

To name a few.

These are all common flat earther AND FES justifications because these are all decades and centuries old based off the same sources.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/13qtbt5/most_flat_earthers_agree_with_the_flat_earth/”>View Reddit by MONTItheREDView Source


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