What convinced me that the earth is not a globe, pear, or whatever the current garbage that they spinning is comes down to one thing. I have known many ship’s captains and pilots throughout my life because of the work I did and the place I am from. I asked them candidly what they knew about the true shape of the earth. Do you know what every single one told me? It’s flat. They could never say this publicly or their career at the very least would be over. Fortunately, we were/are good enough friends for them to tell me the truth. Believe what you will, but consider this, you have been in so called schools since the age of 5 til at least 18, then some of you went on to college. Do you really believe all the bullcrap you were taught? All their science and lies hinges upon the earth being a globe. And remember that anything with “Theory” in front of it has never been proven. Check definition of theory. It’s no more than an educated guess by so called experts who want to keep their nice comfortable jobs and prestige. All of them are in some Masonic order or other and that is a fact.

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