I have a lot of questions when it comes to the flat earth theory…

  • If the government is trying to hide the fact that the Earth is flat, what's the point of doing it?

  • If it's for control via gossip, manipulation,, gaslighting, propaganda, etc, ect…

Than… what do they gain from it?

If they were trying to hide the true shape of the planet than that only does so much for them if you think about, they barely gain anything… from hiding a shape…

If they're trying to "Hide or lock away God", then would that suggest God is weaker than man? I'm religious and have always believed that God was a powerful creator than any other God or us and that he wants equal respect between himself and his creations… saying that his creations "Hid him away" is, like I said, saying that he's weaker than man, which is a great insult towards him and just disrespectful for those who actually believe in him.

If God is "weaker than man", than that is a God not worth worshiping or a God of mine

Now, as for the multiple variants of The Flat Earth theory.

  • If the earth goes on forever is true, than what's past what we have seen?

  • What's all that uncharted territory?

  • What's the point of hiding all that uncharted territory?

  • If overpopulation is causing a problem and only gets worse than why not allow us enter the territory?

Considering since all that uncharted territory has the same resources and materials as the land we're all in and we have the technology for transportation and defense if there is anything dangerous out there.

  • If the world goes on for infinity, than what happens if we go down?

  • What happens if we reach the bottom?

  • Is there a bottom or does it go down infinity?

  • What about the sky, Does that go on forever?

  • If there is a dome, what's beyond the dome?

  • Will we encounter anything beyond the sky if there is a dome or not?

  • If space is fake than what's beyond the sky than?

  • If space is real and the earth is flat, than are other planets flat?

  • If other planets are flat, why aren't they like our planet?

  • If the sun and moon are just things in the sky that float around, where did they come from?

  • What's past them?

  • If those dots in the sky are just things floating around or attached to a dome, than again, what's past those?

  • If the eclipse is just a thing that goes around the sun, is it behind the sun or did it come from somewhere?

  • Is there such thing as a planet in the shape of a sphere?

  • If the universe isn't infinity, than what's at the end of it?

  • If there is something at the end of the universe, than what's beyond it?

Bonus Question:
+ If the universe is a computer simulation, than what's the point of the flat earth theory if it might not be real if the universe is a computer simulation?

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/151ehb3/i_have_some_questions_about_the_flat_earth_theory/”>View Reddit by [deleted]View Source


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