I was standing at Fort Niagara today. It is in Niagara County, New York USA.

I am standing on the banks of the beach of Lake Ontario. I am at an elevation of around 280 ft above sea level.

Toronto, Ontario CA is to the north of me. It is 30 miles away. Toronto sits at 271 ft above sea level 🎚️ n average. That means Toronto is about 10 ft below me in elevation.

Right now, there are wild fires burning in Ontatio. The weather is not clear, and there is a noticable haze in the distance. I can barely see Toronto today.

Normally, I can see Toronto clear as day.

I can normally see Toronto clear as day with my naked eye. I mean, I could still see it today with my naked eye better than I could with my phone.

The wind was strong today. The waves were pretty high.

From where I was standing in this photo, I can normally see the ground Toronto is sitting on with my naked eye. Not just the sky scrapers, but the actual ground that the sky scrapers are resting on.

From 30 miles away. 10 feet below me. I can still see the ground.

I use the skyscrapers as my reference for locating Toronto. I can then follow them all the way to their base, and see the ground. Especially on a clear day.

Today is not a clear day, and yet there is Toronto 30 miles away, sitting on ground 10 feet below me.

I don't actually know how any of this works though.

Also, when I am standing there, the horizon of the water seems to be above me. And so does Toronto, which is on average about 10 feet below me.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1565dm5/toronto_at_30_miles_away/”>View Reddit by paer_of_forcesView Source


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