The name of this subreddit is r/FlatEarthIsReal . It seems to me that there are a lot of smart people here who are dedicated to shooting down the idea that the Earth is flat.

That's cool and all, but you can find that type of thinking and conversation in any sub. You can find it even in subs not dedicated to the shape of the Earth.

Why not try something different? Instead of spending all that time and energy trying to disprove the idea, and putting down those who truly believe in a Flat Earth, why not try to figure out the ways in which a Flat Earth could actually work? It's 10x time harder to do, and requires you to think of things in a completely new way.

You have to envision these things in ways you haven't before, and work out little details you may have never thought of before. It opens the mind to new possibilities pertaining to all sorts of things.

I personally like the idea of a Flat Earth that is akin to a Mobius Strip where the band of land moves like a conveyor belt.

Or how about a bowl shaped Flat Earth where atmospheric refraction causes the light to bend upwards away from the land as your sight approaches the horizon according to your perspective?

Why spend all this time proving something everyone already knows, when it's so much more fun and rewarding to go against the grain?

You might even learn something about yourself pertaining to personal perspectives, and the ability to free your mind of age old ideas.

How can you challenge your mind if you don't actually challenge your mind?

I'm not asking for anyone to go regurgitating the ideas of others on the subject. I'm asking that you come up with your own ideas about how this could possibly be, taking into account as many variables as possible.

I'm also not asking you to just abandon your ideas and beliefs about a Round Earth. You can keep those too. I'm just asking people to put some original thought into it, even if you have to use a little bit of work and ideas from others.

It's like exploring the idea of Earths in different dimensions, spaces, and set ups, in the vein of something like Flatland.

I mean, it's at least worth a shot.

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