In the video above I am using Civilization 6 as an example of a Infinitely Scrolling Plane over a Defined Finite Area.

The game world is a 2D Flat plane. It has a defined area. Where the East/West boundaries of the world meet is where they end and begin again. Seamlessly

I can scroll the plane endlessly in one direction without ever stopping if I choose to. I use the city Kyoto as the point where I keep scrolling past on the larger overall plane.

The plane itself has no beginning and ending.

I zoomed in on the map of the entire plane in the corner. Here you can see the entirety of the defined plane. It appears to have edges. It actually does not though. Where it ends, it simply begins again.

The game uses simple mathematical constructs of geometry and flat planes to create it's worlds.

That is the nice thing about video games and computer simulations. They allow us to visualize and explore worlds and concepts we once could only imagine.

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