Hi there, I believe the Earth is a sphere, but I have a point to make that will not anger you. Even when I show the actually "accepted" model of space to "Round Earthers" (like myself), they argue that I am not correct. So, to your point — they are just repeating what they have heard, calling it fact. ~98% of them in my experience. They literally stopped thinking about it in First Grade. And, until they accept that, the Flat Earth community will grow.

Proposing it is ALL in motion, yet it only takes a couple thousand years to map the precession … this is what typically breaks their minds. They have just as much data for their model as they do the Flat Earth model. They are just trying to be "well-informed" with the least amount of work. They may argue with you, but … I'll tell you they aren't working to prove or disprove ANYTHING. They just speak when they think its time. They only say what they have heard. I have seen them argue AGAINST the model they claim to believe.

As a "Round Earther" — I have more in common with you folks, simply because you also want to know for yourself. "Round Earthers" are typically … just lazy. To them, the Earth is neither Round nor Flat (it hardly exists AT ALL in their bubble). They didn't truly consider it. I'm one of those people measuring the shadows from sticks at a distance, btw … just for context.

Hey, we're all probably wrong about something. Unpopular opinion: As a Round Earther, I think Round Earthers are (typically) lazy.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/170q1bj/the_accepted_model_is_not_totally_accepted_either/”>View Reddit by [deleted]View Source


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