Okay so I’ve cross posted a little here just looking for some serious answers!!!
Im new and looking for advice. I started my research about a year ago and my family is super supportive. They’ve always been open-minded but embarrassingly I took awhile to find my own path. Anyway!! I’m beginning homeschooling my toddlers soon and want to give them a good foundation before they encounter mainstream scientism instead of being indoctrinated first and THEN discovering all the beautiful alternative TRUTH information out there the way I did. My church is helpful but I’m looking for something a little more in-depth. Any other biblical based flat earth moms out there who know good resources? I’ve already purchased what little I could find in children’s books on Amazon but there’s just so little out there and no appropriate toys the way scientism just spits out at them and greedily sells endlessly!!!!

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/17bzq7z/christian_mom_looking_for_resources_to_educate_my/”>View Reddit by prettyredcarsView Source


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