TL;DR: CIA is using Flat Earth to cull society and control the population.

I must be brief, they are watching.

First, we can all agree NASA founders and CIA are shady. Both want to control the masses.

Second, they purposely hide and destroy flat earth proof to encourage more to rediscovered. Making a trail of history searches and posts for them to follow.

Third, the globe cult penerates all nations, we are outnumbered. They have corralled us into our concentration camps with us unaware.

Fourth, The CIA drip feeds the truth in flat earth. They wait for you to expose yourself with searching for answers when you get tuned in that's when they start tracking. Its not a secret you don't come back from Antarctica if you really go.

Fifth, It's a tactic I only recently became aware of allowing them to masterfully eradicate critical thinking at their pace, pleasure, and absolute control. The biggest inside job known to man.

Sixith, I wanted the truth, not the darkness of man.

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