1. Gravity: There are only two solutions to gravity if the earth is truly flat first the flat disk is flying through space "upwards" at 9.8m/s and due to relativity it would be the same as if we were being pulled down. But this would make basically no sense as it is exitremley and I mean extremley improbable that it was created and it moved through space exactly perpendicular to the flat plane as even the slightest change in angle would change the angle extremely impact how we feel gravity over 4.6 billion years. But a lot of flerfers decide to disregard this because that wouldnt work so they chose something so stupid it is hard to believe…Magnetism… Magnetism… Why? Magnetic compasses wont work as they point to the two magnetic poles and if it were to be magnetism causeing gravity it would just point where ever it likes. Plus wouldnt magnetic objects fall faster than non magnetic?
  2. The conspiracy itself: Lets see, we have NASA, the government, space X and all of these other companies are lying and pulling the wool other our eyes to gain all of this power and money! But do they? They spend trillions upon trillions of dollars to send these fake spacecrafts into space and they get nothing in return by lying. Some flerfers say it is to "hide God" and what they are doing is pulling at the heart strings of religeous people to get them to believe the flat earth. But it makes no sense how it would "hide God" by lying about the shape of the planet.
  3. Other planets: Other history we were able to observe and study the planets in our solar system and beyond but one problem is all of them are round as everything else: Stars, planets, blackholes, etc… all have a spherical shape and we even have a thing called hydrostatic equillibrium which explains how much mass an object in space needs to have to have a round shape. This explains how some objects in space such as asteroids can have a varity of shapes while other larger more massive objects are all round and we clearly see that the earth is larger than mercury (which is spherical) meaning that we are certainly above that threshold
  4. The day/night cycle: This cycle is impossible on a flat earth because this would mean that light has an abitrary distance to stop for example if the sun is spinning on the edge of the earth then from the sun to the north pole is distance X but from the sun to the edge is Y which is largey than X. This makes no sense and is only used to justify your claims.
  5. The stars: On the north pole you are able to see polaris a star that is only observable in the northern hemisphere and the sourthern cross is only observable in the southern hemisphere. A lot of flat earthers claim we have a "personal dome" but then in the same breath they claim that the earth has a glass dome across the sky. In addition to that the personal dome has no physical explanation and why they would form around living organisms.

This is in no way meant to "trigger" anyone

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/17zvbjb/5_challenges_for_flat_earthers/”>View Reddit by PawwwwwwwwView Source


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