Nah, just kidding – but let's dive into what’s really going on in this mind-boggling video! 🕵️‍♂️🌍

Hey, friends! I stumbled upon a video claiming you can see the Alps from Mount Snowdon – yes, you heard that right, the Alps from Wales! Let's unpack this using a bit of science, some quick maths, and of course, our top-notch detective skills. 🧐

First off, let's talk Earth’s curves. If the world's a sphere (spoiler: it is), there's this thing called the horizon. The formula to calculate how far you can see over Earth’s surface before it curves away is tied to your height and the planet's radius. From Snowdon’s peak, you can theoretically see up to 144 miles under perfect conditions – but the Alps are way beyond that at over 700 miles away! 🤯

So what’s the deal with this video? Let's zoom in 🔍 – it's actually showcasing peaks a lot closer to home. The official Snowdon toposcope – that’s a fancy map on a plaque for the non-hikers among us – lists over 100 peaks you can spot from the summit on a crystal-clear day. And believe it or not, none of them are the Alps!

Now, for our flat Earth enthusiasts, I hate to break it to you, but the chances of seeing the Alps from Snowdon are as likely as finding a penguin in the Sahara (spoiler: very unlikely). 🐧☀️

But hey, don’t just take my word for it. The National Park's official sources back me up. So, next time someone shows you a pic of distant mountains and claims it’s from their backyard hill, just give them a wink and ask for the maths. 😉

Stay curious, keep learning, and remember – not all is at it peaks! 😄🏔️

Sources ——

Original video from YT——-

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