China is not under us the world is flat .I have a strong suspicion that Space Force could have started in response to NASA et al, as a counter measure to their deep-state corruption. That said, also it wouldn't make sense for it to be Satanic, given who created it. Another big hint is some of the coded language you see in their press releases, almost if to say "we don't believe any of this either" because, for all the hype about "space" they aren't really even doing anything in space yet apparently (no surprise of course). You'd figure the first thing they'd do would be to make a space fighter plane or something, but it's been nothing but talk about satellites (aka weather balloons) and communications. .Global warming is a government plan to alarm the world to take action to prevent the ice walls from melting ..I was walking among the fires of Hell, delighted with the enjoyments of Genius; which to Angels look like torment and insanity. .

Dr Jeanette Summers Ph.D. – Flat Earth Scientist. Professor Extraordinarius at Loyaltis University of Modern Geocentrism
Author of 'Flat Earthers – The People Who Refused To Be Sheeple '

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