Yo, pay attention the aeronaut can see fo his dirty ass dat Earth be er Plane ."Is watah level, or be dat shyt not?" was er question once asked o an astronomer. "Practically, yes; theoretically, no," was tha reply. Now, when theory does dis nt harmonize wit practice, tha best thin ta do be ta drop tha theory. (It be gettin too late, now, ta say "So much tha worse fo tha facts!") To drop tha theory which supposes er curved surface ta standin watah be ta acknowledge tha facts which form tha basis o Zetetic philosophy. And since dis will have ta be done soonah or later, it be er proof dat tha Earth be dis nt er globe. .Yo, pay attention the Flat Earth be more ancient than tha mountains, an freighted wit tha memories an tha dreams o Time. ..As dat shyt says in tha Bible: 'God made tha earth flat' .

DJ Wilfred Burgess – Flat Earth Gangsta. Emeritus Dogg at Primos Skool o Parapsychology
Rapper o 'NASA, Globe Science, an Othah Deadly Magic '

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