Recently I've been dabbling in conspiracy theories and I've been wanting to learn more and i was told i needed to do my own research but im not having much luck but ive been researching here and there and to my knowledge one of the biggest conspiracys is the earth. We don't know anything. We say we do. But it's a lie. But I've heard about the antarctic ice wall and the hole in Antarctica and the moon landing. Now let me explain my thinking recently I've started to believe the earth is flat and here is what makes me think that I used to be a round farther but seriously it doesn't make sense


-1 the moon landing THAT WAS NOT REAL there was literal like lighting equipment falling in the video how did the camera get outside? Why did the flag move? Why did the sand come up like that? How are you moving like that? Why do the space suits look like those deep diving suits that are like really old yall know what I'm talking about? My father liked to tell me from a young age "the first green screen wasn't green, it was blue and it was a water tank" referring to the moon landing my father has theorized that the moon landing was done under water NASA has massive pools that are able to take that and it would explain the movement and sand.

-2 Antarctica literally nobody knows what's in Antarctica and it's basically all a no fly zone and if someone Flys in the no fly zones in a matter of minute there are people there to shoot them down which obviously means there's something there that they are hiding a discussion I also had with my father he had shown me and told me the story of something that happened there (I DO NOT REMEMBER EXACT DETAILS IF YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT HERE TELL ME) but he told me there was like this crew of scientists researching in Antarctica perusal and one of the individuals in this crew injured or there was a storm coming I can't remember but they had to call a plane to come and get them and so the plan was called but it would take them a very long time to get there because they had to fly around a not fly zone amongst these mountains so they tried to get cleared to fly through there and did and when they flew over there they saw this gigantic hole in the ground and it's been theorized to go to inner earth or somewhere else I guess but moving on that makes me skeptical

  • 3 the ocean IT IS A KNOWN FACT WE DONT KNOW WHATS IN 95% OF OUR OCEANS like even kids know that so why don't we know more of our ocean? We have the abilities to we have satellites and boats but somethings stopping it I've heard theories that our ocean is our sky but Idk about those but one thing I find weird and makes me think we have a flat earth is islands how do we keep finding islands that have been here for a while? We have satellites and planes ect so how do we one day just go "oh! Look! It's a new island" and scientists and people say it was the water lowering but wouldn't you have been able to seen it sooner? But it just pops up? Why?

-4 the ice wall there have been people who have supposedly made it to the wall or past but they never lived. Meaning hmmmm maybe there is a wall there?

-5 the pear shaped earth Neil degrasse tyson has an interview out there of him talking about the pear shaped earth that they recently found it was like a pear and like nasa agreed with him and stuff BUT to this day we are shown photos of round earth's sphere earths why is that if it's pear shaped why are we seeing it circular from space too?

-6 the people who "landed" on the moon not a single person who "landed" on the moon would swear with their hand on the Bible that they landed there whenever they're posed with facts they get scared and run away BUZZ ALDRIN LITERALLY SAID IT DIDNT HAPPEN A GUY WHO "WENT TO THE MOON" SAID IT DIDNT HAPPEN.

-7 PLANES my father and myself have watched videos of people talking to pilots and in everyone they would ask "do you have to adjust to the curvature of the earth" EVERY SINGLE ONE SAYS NO they all don't know how they're staying to the earth they think it's just "gravity" or the plane is "automatically doing it"

-8 constellations. If our solar system is hurling through the universe at thousands of miles per hour how do we have the same constellations how is the north star still there how is the big dipper still there?

-9 I know that this is a theory that you have but it actually makes sense a dome over the earth like why do all of our rockets curve? I think it's because they can't go higher I think we haven't been to space at all I think all the rockets just land in the ocean

I could actually keep going I am not kidding it just doesn't make sense someone please explain your theories and educate me im interested and if I have facts wrong correct me please

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