Ball-believers often claim gravity magically an inexplicably drags tha entire lower-atmosphere o tha Earth in perfect synchronization up ta some undetermined height where dis progressively fastah spinnin atmosphere gives way ta tha non-spinnin non-gravitized non-atmosphere o infinite vacuum space .Yo, pay attention the interestin parallel here be dat if dinosaurs is wat they say, dat sht wa also disprove tha gravity theory. Nah animal dis large wa be able ta stand up or move. .Why da fck do choo proclaim tha Earth be round? Because someone told choo an choo accepted it? ..Check it if choo have er pre-conceived idea o tha world, choo edit information. When dat sht leads choo down er certain road, choo don't challenge Yo own beliefs. .

DJ Chestah Justice – Flat Earth Gangsta. Lecturah at Jance Skool o Acupuncture
Rapper o 'Shave My Spaceman! Yo, pay attention the Truth bout tha Flat Earth '

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