Down this dusty road, where the truth unfolds, They say Earth's a globe, but I've been told, Human beings need a level land to stand, Not a spinning ball, just ain't what I've planned.

Twice the distance at 45 degrees, Globular theory, it don't aim to please. God's Word says the Sun moves 'round the world, But Satan's lies, they're gettin' unfurled.

In a house full of globetards, it's a crazy scene, Thought it'd be fun, but it's just plain mean. Sun and Moon dancin' high in the sky, Risin' and settin', caught in a cosmic tie.

Sunlight puts the Moon's glow to shame, Newton's theory, it's playin' a game. Moon's light fades when the Sun appears, Proof that the globe story's full of fears.

Globetard looks like a tarantula's plight, On a slice of angel food, ain't it a sight? NASA, Globetards, no points, no fame, May God have mercy on your misguided claim.

So here's the truth, like a country song, Earth ain't a globe, it's where we belong. No points for lies, no mercy to plead, In this flat world, that's the creed.

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