I am a globist. I want to have a debate with a flat earther. I do not think any flat earther is unintelligent, I am not here to attack anyone, and I do not want for this debate to turn into two sides insulting each other. I want to know why you think what you think, I want to explain to you why I think what I think. I am also open to discussing any other theories that you have, like your thoughts on the moon landing, or extraterrestrials, or anything else. This debate is meant to be an exchange of information between to intelligent parties. If you don’t want to engage, you don’t have to and that’s fine. Thank you.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/19dtvf0/i_am_a_globist_looking_for_an_honest_fair_and/”>View Reddit by SiteMaster7975View Source


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