Dear Flat earthers, while you continue to claim that science is a cult, I'm going to continue to prove to you that it isn't.

First I need to clarify some points :

– A scientific theory is not what you think, it's something proven, backed up by evidence and experiments, something observed. It's not set in stone, it can change. Other theories can support the old one, add details and clarify certain points.

– a hypothesis is just what most of you thought a theory was, it hasn’t been proven.

prove your hypotheses

1) We're not asking people to believe, we're asking them to look at the evidence, which is what experiments are all about: proving for yourself that this particular bit of science you're studying is true.

2) Children are introduced to scientific concepts through the educational system or the family system, but they are not forced to join, whereas cults often use coercive tactics to recruit and retain members, which can include manipulation, isolation and exploitation of vulnerabilities.

3) Yes The scientific method itself encourages you to question existing ideas and seek evidence to support their conclusions. By contrast, cults often advocate rigid dogma and discourage critical thinking or questioning of their beliefs. Yes, Science encourages critical thinking, questioning and skepticism but it doesn't encourage paranoia. Scientific knowledge is subject to revision on the basis of new evidence. Old assumptions are challenged. Unlike the often rigid and unchanging doctrines of cults, which can resist any form of change.

4) When we see evidence and other demonstrations, we're supposed to either do everything we can to dismantle them, or, if we can't, accept those of others. While thinking about the shape of the earth is a good thing (it's good to have a critical mind), it's also good not to fall into paranoia and accuse without proof…. Long story short, even if you (the "flat earthers") try to question established theories, some of them (remember I said some of them) are resistant to any argument that doesn't go their way, and many others don't want to see any evidence. So, dear Earthlings, I'd like you to stop calling the scientific community "bigots and crooks of the worst kind" without proof or reflection and giving evidence for your hypotheses or just admit earth isn’t flat.

If you have any questions, asks them (you can also read the others article).

This paragraph was made with old parts of old comments (slightly modified) because why rewrite something I've already written, that's why I did it (and not because I was too lazy to write a 4th article) a so if some of you see something I've already written as a comment that's normal.

Here the video :

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