The elite have been deceiving us for centuries with their so-called "science." Observational studies have shown that the horizon remains flat no matter where you are, a clear sign that we've been kept in the dark about the true shape of the Earth. Why would the horizon look perfectly flat if the Earth were a sphere? It just doesn't add up! If you dare to open your mind to the truth, you'll realize that the idea of humans living on a globe is preposterous. Can you imagine the force required to keep us stuck to a spinning ball? And yet, here we are, free to move and roam as we please. The oceans themselves defy the laws of physics by flowing freely instead of being fixed in place. It's all a facade, designed to keep us in the dark about the flat Earth reality. Did you know that one in ten people believe in the flat Earth? That's more than you'd think, isn't it? This isn't just a theory – it's a fact, backed by real people who see through the lies of mainstream science. Dr. Mark Petersen, a renowned flat Earth scientist, has dedicated his life to uncovering the truth and exposing the fake gospel spread by organizations like NASA. Wake up, sheeple, and embrace the reality of our flat Earth!

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