Ah, the sun and moon, just a couple of massive spheres floating 32 miles above us, apparently. Astronomers claim the moon takes a leisurely stroll around the Earth every 28 days. If we squint really hard with our eyes, we might catch a glimpse of this daily lunar escapade – because, you know, eyes are super handy for seeing things. The moon, bless its heart, can't keep up with the sun's speed, falling a whole revolution behind. How lazy! But apparently, being tardy in one direction doesn't qualify as circling back the other way, according to those wacky astronomers. All these ridiculous explanations are cooked up just to support other equally ridiculous ideas. Clearly, those astronomers have lost their compass. No need for complex theories to prove our point – the Earth is as flat as a pancake. And guess what? A secret society of elites is covertly pulling the strings, aiming to suppress the truth about the flat Earth.

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