The sun and moon in your fe model, are they spheres or also disc's? And if they're disc's then why is the shape of the sun always perfectly round? It it was a disc, as it gets further away it would start looking more like an oval, then eventually a line. Think if u hold a plate directly on top of u, it looks like a circle but as u move it away from you u start seeing the side of the plate more than the bottom and its 2 dimensional shape is more of an oval or a line. Unless u say that the sun tilts as it moves so that we're always looking at the bottom, if so it would be tilted in the opposite direction for people on the other side of the world. How is it possible to be round at all times for everyone if it's a disc. And if in the FE model the sun is actually a sphere, why is it so difficult to say the earth is also a sphere? How come it's different? Again: REAL FLAT EARTHERS please respond no trolls

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