So, if flat earth is real, then how do you realistically explained how you can fly in a airplane from America to Australia so quickly? Do you just teleport to the other side of the earth? That wouldn't make sense because, well it's pretty obvious.

And if flat earth is real, then how does gravity work? You'd have to be going upwards relative to the face of the earth, but so would all the other planets, and so would the sun.

If flat earth is real, then how come the water at the edge doesn't just spill out? There can't be a barrier because then we would see it as we flew over it.

If flat earth is real, then how come you can't see infinitely? The reason you can't just see everywhere is due to the curvature of the earth. It's like looking at a map. It's made to see everything at once. But when you look at a globe, you can't see everything because of the curvature.

If flat earth is real, then how do you explaine the day night cycle and time zones? If the sun was orbiting over earth, and it was night, there is no reason it would just not be visible.

Now what do you think?

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