Like what if his whole theory of relativity was just a big ol' cover-up for his real beliefs about the Earth being flat?? when inside he's secretly team flat Earth all the way!, he busts out all the math and physics to bamboozle us into thinking he's a spherical Earth dude " but what if there's a hint of truth in they're?, critics be like "nah, that's just some wack conspiracy theory what if Einstein was pulling a serious Snape move an double-crossing us with his theories? it's like that inception-level mind twist, but with science and stuff! totally random ! what if Einstein was just playing 4D chess with us all along Like, his whole vibe with gravitational waves and space-time being curved was just a front, a cover-up for his real thoughts on the Earth's shape? creating this crazy elaborate puzzle for us to unravel!, It's like he's the Keyser Söze of physics but we were two busy focusing on his math skills to see it!, Maybe he was dropping hints about the flat Earth theory all along !

We gotta dig deeper, and crack the code of the universe!, unlock the hidden messages!!

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