I don’t know terminology for how people identify each other in here, so sorry if I say something improperly. I saw and read a lot of posts, comments and links/articles tonight just as it was something new and interesting to me. I saw flat earthers clamoring with round earthers. I saw the opposite. I even saw flat earthers arguing with other flat earthers about who was more right. It even went as far as round earthers joking around so much that other round earthers were confused as to whether they were reading jokes or flat earther comments. So here’s my question. Who has actually performed a scientific test to try and prove/disprove these theories (flat vs. round).

Saying “I read this on…” or “so and so said…” absolutely does not count.

Providing reference to a YouTube video or similar, website, media outlet, podcasts, etc absolutely does not count.

Saying you observed a phenomenon (flat or round) but you performed zero scientific method to validate your assumptions absolutely does not count.

A picture from space or the top of a mountain that you did not take yourself? Nope. Does not count.

Applied sciences DO count! So if you can math your way to validation, tell me about it.

Simply put, what have YOU done to validate your theory and what was the result? Asking candidly out of interest.

I’m also asking you all to be honest and pleasant. From what I read across these forums, it was pretty obvious that the scientific method has not been practiced by many flat or round earthers, yet many were willing to argue over publications written by somebody that they never have met.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1cavwfy/walked_into_this_thread_read_a_bit_and_have_just/”>View Reddit by ChesterMIAView Source


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