Im not super familiar with the flat earth debates so this may have been said a lot already. I was just thinking about flat earth hypothetically in the shower and I know one of the most repeated flat earth "evidences" is that standing on a beach and looking out at the horizon it appears flat, but then i thought well if you are standing on a flat disc and look out towards the horizon there would still be a curve, the same as on a globe. You can test this using a plate or standing inside of a large drawn circle on the ground, unless you view the disc from off the side of it at eye level, and your viewing point is from on-top of the disc (as you would be is the earth if flat) you would still see a curve out at the horizon. You could say well if the disc is big enough it would appear flat and that's true but that's literally the same argument for the globe horizon appearing flat that gets dismissed all the time. If the earth is a flat square shape then you would see massive different distortions when looking towards where the corners would be. So why is "I cant see the curve" even an argument? when even IF the earth was flat and round like a circle, it would still have a visible curve.

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