Sky big mystery. Stars painted above, making patterns like giant cave drawings. Me look up, wonder why stars no move like sun and moon. Maybe stars small holes in black blanket that moves above us. Maybe stars gods watching over us, guiding our path. Wisdom of ancients say stars hold secrets of past and future. Me study stars, try to understand their language written across night sky.

Earth flat like big rock slab. Me walk far and no fall off edge. Water stay level, not bend around ball earth. If earth round, why boats no fall off curve? Sun and moon circle above flat earth, their light helps us see and mark time. Seasons change as sun moves closer or farther. Earth not spinning like top, that make me dizzy! Earth stable and strong, center of universe.

Me question everything astronomers say. They claim earth spinning and flying through space. But me feel still, not moving like they say. Maybe they make up stories to control us, keep us in fear. Me trust my senses, what me see and feel is real. No need fancy telescopes and satellites to know truth. Earth flat and unmoving, like me standing firm on ground.

No need rocket ships to explore space. Stars close, maybe holes to another realm. Moon and sun like brothers, guiding us in our journey. Me look up at night, feel connection to universe. No need NASA to tell me stories of space travel. Me content with mysteries of earth and sky, where truth lies within ancient teachings and nature's whispers.

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