Hello. I’ve long been a hollow Earth theorist (not literally hollow but more like metaphysical caves) and now I’m exploring expanding my perspective to the flat Earth/ice wall theory. I’m doing this partially because I just feel drawn to it but I am also curious about breaking preconceived notions and sort of hacking my mind.

What I do believe for sure is that there is more to this world than what we are told, and the truth is kept hidden from most of us.

If there is an ice wall, and if there are lands and people beyond it, this is where I personally start to introduce metaphysics and mysticism. Matrix. Dimensions. Mirror reality.

It feels almost terrifying talking about this because it means rejecting everything I have ever learned. But that’s the point. I want to empty myself of everything.

And replace it with either sense, nonsense, not sense, or not nonsense.

Any resources or input on mystical or magickal connections to the lands beyond the wall?

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1egqzll/destroying_preconceived_notions_and_exploring/”>View Reddit by JD_the_Aqua_DoggoView Source


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