Author: Eric Dubay

Globe Earthers are taught the reason that the North Pole Star cannot be seen from southern locations like Australia or New Zealand is because it is hidden behind the supposed curvature of their globular Earth. Similar to what is taught about boats disappearing beyond the horizon, they claim these boats and the Pole Star are disappearing behind the physical curvature of a globe, and insist if the Earth was truly a stationary plane that Australians should have no trouble viewing Polaris… Get Connected With Me: Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SoundCloud:…

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During December every year Ushuaia, Argentina, the southern-most city in the world, just below the 54th southern latitude receives over 17 hours of daylight with a maximum of 17 hours and 20 minutes occurring on the Winter Solstice. Globe Earthers often claim this would be impossible on a flat Earth arguing that a local, revolving, spotlight Sun should not be able to illuminate such a southern location for so long… Get Connected With Me: Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SoundCloud: Mewe: Minds: Gab: Goodreads: YouTube:…

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When confronted with objective, demonstrable, empirical proof that Earth is not a fantastical tilting, wobbling, spinning space-ball, one sticking point that globe defenders consistently revert back to is, if the evidence flat Earthers are presenting is true, then why has there not been a single whistle-blower to come forward and expose this mother of all conspiracies? How is it possible that not one of the hundreds of thousands of people that NASA has employed over the decades has come forward and admitted the hoax? What about the Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese and all the other government space agencies along…

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Often when globe Earthers hear that the law of perspective is the reason that ships disappear beyond the horizon, as well as the reason that the Sun and Moon rise and set in the sky, their next question is why, then, do the Sun and Moon appear to get bigger near the horizon? Understandably, a long row of streetlamps appears to rise in height until reaching overhead and then sets on the horizon, similar to the Sun and Moon, but unlike the Sun and Moon, the lampposts, boats, and most other things claimed to disappear due to perspective also shrink…

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Though it goes unmentioned in America’s government-issue school textbooks, documents and recordings have been declassified and released through Freedom of Information Act requests proving that America’s entry into WWII was another calculated event, and not the result of a surprise Japanese attack. The following presentation “Pearl Harbor and WWII” was taken from a chapter in my book “The Atlantean Conspiracy” available here: Get Connected With Me: Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SoundCloud: Mewe: Minds: Gab: Goodreads: YouTube: Odysee: BitChute: BrandNewTube: Real…

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World War I officially began on June 28th, 1914 when members of the Illuminati Black Hand secret society assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Europe quickly polarized and warred for nearly a year before Americans were given their false-flag reason to join. On May 1st, 1915 the British Naval cruiser “Lusitania” was scheduled for Liverpool, taking off from New York harbor loaded with 600 tons of explosives, 6 million rounds of ammunition, 1,248 cases of shrapnel shells, other war materials, and last but not least – American passengers. The German embassy in D.C. was fully aware of the war materials being shipped…

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Another supposed proof often offered up by globe debaters involves alleged time and path issues with long-haul Southern Hemisphere flights. For example, the direct flight route from Sydney, Australia to Santiago, Chile, takes an average of only 13 hours to reach its destination, a duration which globe Earthers claim is impossible over a flat Earth. They say that since the Sydney-Santiago flights with U.S. stop-overs take twice as long to reach their destinations as the non-stop flights, that this proves the direct flights are not traversing the U.S., and could not be completed so quickly over a flat Earth. As…

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Globe defenders often claim that since the Moon appears right-side up when viewed from the Northern Hemisphere and upside-down when viewed from the Southern Hemisphere that this is proof positive of a spherical Earth. They believe that observers standing in the Southern Hemisphere of their spinning ball are literally upside-down relative to observers in the North, and that this is the only possible reason the Moon could appear inverted when viewed from opposite hemispheres. Anyone can easily debunk this flimsy claim for themselves however by simply taping a picture of the Moon to their ceiling and viewing it from opposite…

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Three related questions frequently asked by people first coming across this subject, all of which share similar answers, are what is over, under, and outside of the Flat Earth? The shortest and most honest answer is that ultimately we don’t know what is above, below, and beyond the Earth. In reality, globe believers themselves also don’t know what exists in the deep recesses of the Earth anymore than they know what exists in the depths of their infinite vacuum space, but they are given definitive answers about both in the form of stories and CGI images by their heliocentric priests.…

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When confronted with the question of the shape of the world, many people are quick to assert that they live on a globe because they believe they have personally seen the curvature of the Earth from their airplane window. Some people even believe when they visit the beach or climb atop a mountain that they are able to see the horizon curve downwards far in the distance. The reality is, however, that anyone thinking they can see curvature on the horizon from any altitude is suffering from a serious case of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance. To begin with, the…

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