Author: Eric Dubay

One of the most commonly cited alleged proofs of the globe Earth is the disappearance of ships sailing beyond the horizon as seen from an observer on shore. Globe Earthers since Aristotle have claimed the reason that ship hulls disappear before their mast-heads when sailing away is due to the physical curvature of the Earth obfuscating their view. This simple supposed proof is still cited today by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michelle Thaller and other NASA spokespeople, but is easily shown invalid with the use of modern zoom technology. By fixing a good telescope or super-zoom camera aimed at the horizon…

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In the mid-19th century, a Frenchman named Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis performed several experiments showing the effect of kinetic energy on rotating systems, which have ever since become mythologized as proof of the heliocentric theory of the cosmos. The “Coriolis Effect” is often said to cause sinks and toilet bowls in the Northern Hemisphere to drain spinning in one direction while in the Southern Hemisphere causing them to spin the opposite way, thus providing proof of the spinning ball-Earth. Once again, however, just like Foucault’s Pendulums spinning either which way, sinks and toilets in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres do not consistently…

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In the mid 19th century a Frenchman named Léon Foucault became famous for swinging pendulums and claiming their consequent motions were proof positive of the Earth’s diurnal rotation. Since then so-called “Foucault Pendulums” have regularly been swinging at museums and exposition halls worldwide purporting to provide everlasting perpetual proof of the heliocentric spinning ball-Earth theory. The truth is, however, unbeknownst to most of the duped public, that Foucault’s pendulum was a failed experiment which proved nothing but how easy it is for pseudo-science to deceive the malleable masses. To begin with, Foucault’s pendulums do not uniformly swing in any one…

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In 1797, Henry Cavendish, the British scientist, Freemason, and wealthy grandson of the Duke of Devonshire, created an experiment which he claimed successfully proved the existence of gravity, measured its constant, and provided accurate figures for the exact masses of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and Planets. How did Cavendish achieve this quantum leap for heliocentric pseudo-science? He fixed two large lead balls on opposite ends of a torsion balance and hung them from the roof of his shed. By watching and recording slight motions of the contraption via telescope through his shed window so his mass would not affect the…

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What if we are all actually infinitely powerful unique sovereign creators ourselves with the ability to create whatever world/heaven/afterlife we wish on our own, but instead of creating and living in our own worlds, we are being tricked into reincarnating into someone else’s creation here? A creation filled with pain, suffering, torture, death, natural disasters, disease, predators, psychopaths, parasites, no memory of previous lives, and many other things that I personally would never choose to have in my created world. I wonder if the returning to “Oneness/Brahma” concept could be a deception used by the creators of this realm to…

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This video will reveal one of the greatest hoaxes in human history. Thanks to half a dozen of my computer saavy supporters helping scour the internet archive, we have now found and can present Robbin Koefoed’s article “The Dinosaurs Never Existed,” from his deleted GVENews website. If anyone watching this has not already seen my more comprehensive and conclusive documentary “Evolution and Dinosaurs Debunked,” please stop this video and watch that one first: Evolution and Dinosaurs Debunked: Get Connected with me! Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SoundCloud: Mewe:…

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In 2014 when I published my popular article and video “Dinosaurs Never Existed,” it was very difficult to find any good information on the subject, but two sources I found and referenced were David Wozney’s article “Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction?” and Robbin Koeffed’s article “The Dinosaurs Never Existed.” Now in 2022 it is no easier to find good information on this subject and even those two sources have been all but scrubbed from the internet. Robbin Koeffed’s article and his entire GVENews website have since been deleted and mysteriously neither the article or his site are even recognized by…

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For centuries the prevailing western worldview has been built upon the materialistic, mechanical model of Isaac Newton – a clockwork Universe composed of separate particles of matter interacting according to precise physical laws and existing within objective dimensions of space and time. This model has long succeeded in describing many facets of our multi-faceted reality, but increasingly since the revelations of Einstein and the paradigm-crushing implications of quantum physics, Newton’s world is quietly fading from view and being replaced by a more spiritual science. If you can, please help support my work by purchasing and giving out copies of Spiritual…

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In the interest of preserving for posterity the wealth of flat Earth knowledge and research done during the late 19th and early 20th century, I am continuing a series of audiobook and PDF downloads to make them more easily and widely available. Today’s selection is Ebenezer Breach’s 1894 speech, “The Dauntless Astronomy.” You can download the free PDF here: Please Note: Ebenezer Breach was a literalist Christian and used biblical references along with scientific. He also made his own astronomical measurements and had his own figures for the diameter and distance of the Sun, Moon and stars which differed…

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In the interest of preserving for posterity the wealth of flat Earth knowledge and research done during the late 19th and early 20th century, I am continuing a series of audiobook and PDF downloads to make them more easily and widely available. Today’s selection is Ebenezer Breach’s 1896 booklet “50 Scientific Facts for the Downfall of Modern Astronomy.” You can download the free PDF here: Please Note: Ebenezer Breach was a literalist Christian and makes a few points in this booklet which are clearly not scientific, and potentially not even facts. He also made his own astronomical measurements and…

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