Author: Eric Dubay

The following video is a guided deep breathing meditation narrated by Pranayama Yoga instructor Eric Dubay and featuring hemi-sync binaural audio and isochronic frequencies for brainwave synchronization which has been shown to improve sleep, concentration, creativity, memory and flow state. Before beginning deep breathing practice it is highly recommended to use a Neti Pot with salt water to flush and clean out your sinuses as shown here: Through daily Neti Pot cleansing in conjunction with the breathing exercises shown here, many students have completely healed their asthma, apnea, snoring, sinus and congestion issues. For the best effect be sure…

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In the interest of preserving for posterity the wealth of flat Earth knowledge and research done during the late 19th and early 20th century, I am continuing a series of audiobook and PDF downloads to make them more easily and widely available. Today’s selection is Ebenezer Breach’s 1898 booklet “20 Geographical Proofs that the Earth is an Extended Plane.” You can download the free PDF here: Listen/Read all the other Flat Earth Audiobooks/PDFs I have created here: Get Connected with me! Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SoundCloud: Mewe:…

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In the interest of preserving for posterity the wealth of flat Earth knowledge and research done during the late 19th and early 20th century, I am continuing a series of audiobook and PDF downloads to make them more easily and widely available. Today’s selection is Ebenezer Breach’s 1898 booklet “20 Reasons Against Newtonianism.” You can download the free PDF here: Listen/Read all the other Flat Earth Audiobooks/PDFs I have created here: Get Connected with me! Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SoundCloud: Mewe: Minds: Gab: Goodreads:…

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One of the most common alleged proofs quoted for the spherical Earth theory is the Eratosthenes sticks and shadows experiment. Many people may remember NASA spokesman Carl Sagan presenting this experiment by using a map of Egypt with two obelisks attached and showing their resulting shadows. The story goes that around 250 B.C. a Greek mathematician and philosopher named Eratosthenes noted that at noon during the Summer Solstice in Syene, the Sun cast no shadow and the rays could reach straight to the bottom of his well, yet meanwhile in Alexandria a vertically standing metal rod cast a significant shadow.…

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Psycho Attention Clowns is a lyrical exorcism of the demonic 🤡 spirit that plagues our universal community. This dark energy creates toxic chaos and vicious cycles that keep us going round in a crazy circle (🤡look at me!🤡). Play this song loud and call these people out to break the spell. Once they hear it they cannot unhear it. It’s time to get off the crazy wheel and put spirituality, righteousness, creativity, soul sovereignty and God/Love Energy back at the forefront and focal point of the universal community’s pop culture. Listen to more music from Ghosthost Vigilante:…

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Acupuncture is a 3,000+ year old traditional Chinese therapy that involves inserting tiny needles into various vital energy points throughout the human body. Hundreds of these “acupoints” connect to 12 main chi/life energy channels known as “meridians.” Each meridian is related to and named after a specific organ or function, the main 12 being the lung, colon, stomach, spleen, heart, intestine, triple warmer, pericardium, bladder, gallbladder, kidney and liver meridians. Through skillful application and combination of acupoint needles, blockages of chi flow are overcome and healthy energy balance is restored to the body. The following presentation “Acupuncture and the Meridian…

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All children naturally assume and believe we live on a level stationary Earth with the Sun, Moon and stars revolving over and around us because that is what we actually experience every day of our lives. No children before heliocentric indoctrination would ever assume or believe they lived on a tilting, wobbling, spinning oblate spheroid hurdling incredible speeds through infinite vacuum space, because none of that is present in our lived experience. Only after thorough indoctrination through mainstream media and government education do children slowly begin to abandon their actual natural every day lived experience of the world, and adopt…

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There are several slanderous disinformation videos online spreading lies about me and claiming to have “exposed,” me. I have addressed and debunked these allegations several times in the past, but over the years these claims keep re-surfacing and bewildering my newer supporters, so I am making this video to address all of the accusations made about me in one place. 1. You Are a C.I.A. Agent! We Have Proof You Lived in Washington D.C.! 2. Your Wife/Fiance’s Father is a 5-Star General in the Dictatorial Thai Military! 3. You are a Cross-Dresser who Performed an Illuminati Shame Ritual Wearing a…

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In the heliocentric model of the cosmos, the Moon revolves around the Earth 13 times per year traveling at 2,288 mph, while the Earth revolves around the Sun once per year traveling at 67,000mph. The following model and animation illustrate how this is supposed to occur. As you can see, since the Moon is revolving around the Earth, which itself is revolving around the Sun, in order to maintain its regular orbit, the Moon would have to be constantly and drastically changing its speed in ways completely unaccounted for by the model. In the outer part of its orbit, the…

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In 1939 Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is subjected to a strong enough electrical charge, an image is created on the plate. By photographing the coronal discharge that occurs between an electrically grounded object and the electrode generating the field, the sparks captured on film show multi-colored, multi-frequency energy waves ranging from below infrared to above ultraviolet. These images have since become known as Kirlian photography or Biofield electrography. The following presentation “Biofield Electrography and Kirlian Photography” was taken from a chapter in my book “Spiritual Science” available here: Get…

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