Author: Eric Dubay

Space fantasy fan-boys and fan-girls have just received their latest damage-control propaganda update from actor Richard Branson where he claims to have gone to space and filmed the spinning-ball Earth for us (but really he just did some parabolic maneuvers simulating free-fall while in a fancy plane)! Unfortunately for old Dick and his riders, rather than use a normal lens to film the Earth, like all honest amateurs do when sending up their high altitude balloons, these space virgins, just like NASA, Space X, the Red Bull dive and all other so-called “official” sources, always suspiciously choose to use a…

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For millennia going back through the Greek, Egyptian and Vedic civilizations, the Aboriginals, the Mayan, the American Indians and various tribal societies, back to the most ancient cave and rock art worldwide we see proof that our ancestors had an intimate and extensive knowledge of both altered states of consciousness and the indigenous entheogenic plants which help induce them. Ayahuasca, Ibogaine, Peyote, Magic Mushrooms and many other so-called “psychedelics” have long-standing histories, traditions and entire religions based around these sacraments. Nowadays due to intrusive and oppressive governments and their unlawful legal systems, the possession and use of most such entheogens…

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Consult any mainstream science publication or ask any science teacher “why can’t we feel the Earth spinning?” and they will unanimously reply that it is because the globe spins at a perfect constant speed, and we can only feel acceleration or deceleration. As CoolCosmos writes: “Earth moves very fast. It spins at a speed of about 1,000 miles per hour and orbits around the Sun at a speed of about 67,000 miles per hour. We do not feel any of this motion because these speeds are constant. You can only feel motion if your speed changes. For example, if you…

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Rather than genuinely inquire and research the proofs/evidence against the spinning globe model and for the stationary plane Earth, many people instead employ a variety of unconscious defense mechanisms to protect them from ever learning anything new. Get Connected with me! Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Telegram: Twitter: SoundCloud: Mewe: Minds: Gab: Goodreads: YouTube: Odysee: BitChute: BrandNewTube: Email: source

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Another fascinating phenomenon closely related to the OBE (Out of Body Experience) is the NDE or Near-Death Experience. The NDE is essentially the ultimate OBE occurring at the moment of physical death. Throughout history people who have died and later been resuscitated report the same story of consciousness leaving their physical body, entering a realm of love and light, meeting angelic beings, and watching their entire lives flash before their eyes. Slight differences exist in various accounts of NDEs, but these pale next to the incredible universal similarities. The following presentation “The Near Death Experience” was taken from a chapter…

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It’s time for the world to get on our LEVEL: Produced by Hibbeler Productions: Narrated by Eric Dubay: Featuring O.D.D TV: Dave Murphy: Eddie Bravo: Santos Bonacci: Tanner Stewart: Johnny Giampapa: and more! If you’d like to support Hibbeler Productions, visit and stream in HD To learn more about our flat, motionless Earth, please visit: source

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In the following presentation head of the International Flat Earth Research Society responds and corrects several misconceptions and falsehoods in Buzzfeed Multiplier’s video “The Flat Earth Theory Explained.” To learn more about our flat, stationary Earth, please visit: source

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No matter what shape you believe the Earth to be, whether you think Earth is a convex ball, a concave bowl or flat level plane, there is an objective, empirical, scientific, demonstrable way to prove it once and for all. All purely perceptual proofs from long-distance photography to laser tests are unfortunately subjective, non-empirical, and can always be contested by appealing to various visual phenomena such as refraction. The ultimate experiment to practically prove the shape of the Earth would be a fixed permanent tangible construction demonstrating empirically in perpetuity the truth for all to test. Professional structural engineer and…

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In Christian esotericism there are the concepts of 7 levels of heaven, 7 levels of hell, 7 deadly sins and 7 heavenly virtues which directly correspond with the 7 yoga chakras. For kundalini to rise the yogi cleanses and opens his chakras through a process of not only physiological, but also psychological self-development composed of 7 steps, each belonging to a physical location in the body. For example, the first root chakra related to security and survival when closed corresponds to the deadly sin of greed but when opened corresponds to the heavenly virtue of generosity. The second sacral chakra…

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