Author: Eric Dubay

You Are Not The Mind is a track off my Dubstep album, “Dubaystep,” available here: Lyrics: I’m simply saying that there is a way to be sane. I’m saying that you can get rid of all this insanity created by the past in you. Just by being a simple witness of your thought processes, that is my method of meditation. It is not a prayer because there is no thought to pray. It is simply sitting silently witnessing the thoughts passing before you, just witnessing, not interfering, not even judging. The moment you judge you have…

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The following are some of my personal favorite flat Earth channel recommendations. Please subscribe/support these content creators and share this video to help these channels get the exposure they deserve! Beyond the Imaginary Curve: IHateMainStream: Truth Center: Harry Growler: Elissa Hawke: Mary At Sea Level: Flat Earth Warriors: The Oddest Vegan Couple: My Perspective: Plane Ranger: For the full list see pinned comment below source

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In the past 4 years, the term “Flat Earth” has shown a drastic exponential growth in Google trends, going from a mere few thousand results to tens of millions currently. The following presentation explores the reasons behind this sudden explosion beginning in late 2014, and the various figure-heads online who compose this blossoming Flat Earth community. To learn much more about the various people mentioned, please visit the IFERS controlled opposition forum where we keep meticulous record of their lies and disinformation: source

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The following is an instructional video showing how to do proper, effective Pranayama breathing, and how to use this practice to achieve states of deep meditation. To learn much more about the benefits and how to perform these techniques please also see the following video/article, “The Most Important Thing in Your Life”: source

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Destroy the Internet is a track off my flat-Earth themed Dubstep album, “Dubaystep,” available here: source

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As someone who has attended church since before I could walk, in a family comprised entirely of devout Christians, and having read the Bible cover to cover it has become increasingly clear to me that these holy scriptures were meant to be taken symbolically, not literally or historically. Things like talking snakes and bushes, virgins giving birth, eating the body of Christ, staffs turning into serpents, and many other biblical “miracles” are all actually ancient spiritual symbolisms, found in many cultures/traditions around the world, thousands of years older than the Bible, referring to psychological phenomena, not historical events. Of course…

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It has been several months now since Neil DeGrasse Tyson agreed to a Flat Earth debate against Eric Dubay on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Joe announced the debate several times on his show, but in the many months since then has not once contacted me (Eric Dubay) to even touch-base or set-up this interview. So why did you two lie about this? Why did you announce this debate repeatedly and then never contact me to make it happen? Why, Joe Rogan, have you dedicated half a dozen of your podcasts to bashing me and my work, but refuse to…

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Earth is a level motionless plane with the Sun, Moon and stars revolving over and around us just as you experience every day. The North Pole is the magnetic mono-pole center-point with Polaris, the North Pole star situated directly above. Polaris is the only motionless star in the heavens with all the other constellations revolving perfect circles over the Earth every night. The so-called “planets,” known to the ancients as “wandering stars,” were named such because they were observed then as we can observe today to wander the heavens taking their own unique spirograph-like patterns making both forward and retrograde…

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Long before the theory of gravity was a glimmer in Newton’s imagination, the natural physics of density and buoyancy already perfectly explained why apples fall down. Quite simply, objects fall or rise based on their relative density to the medium surrounding them. Apples fall because they are denser than the air, while helium balloons rise because they are lighter – no ‘gravity’ necessary. This is why raindrops fall down through the air and air-bubbles rise up through water! Everything seeks its relative density and rises or falls until settling accordingly. This is why a tiny pebble sinks to the bottom…

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In the Flat-Earth model, the Sun and Moon luminaries revolve around the Earth illuminating like spotlights the areas over which they pass, the Sun spiraling, speeding up and slowing down to maintain 24 hour cycles and the Moon consistently taking just under 25 hours per revolution. The Sun’s annual journey from tropic to tropic, solstice to solstice, is what determines the length and character of days, nights and seasons. This is why equatorial regions experience almost year-round summer and heat while higher latitudes North and especially South experience more distinct seasons with harsh winters. The heliocentric model claims seasons change…

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