Author: Eric Dubay

Sundials, moondials, the Midnight Sun, the great variety of daylight hours at different places/seasons, the nature of light and shadows all prove we are living on a flat motionless plane, not a spinning ball planet. source

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NASA and modern astronomy claim that star-trails in the Southern Hemisphere rotate clockwise, while those in the North rotate counter-clockwise and provide this as proof positive of their spinning ball-Earth. In reality, however, the Earth is an extended flat plane and all the stars and other celestial bodies rotate East to West around Polaris, the only non-moving star in the sky situated perfectly in line directly above the North Pole. The so-called “South Pole” and South Pole star “Sigma Octantis” are both myths – complete fabrications to bolster their ball model. The following video exposes the entire hoax and explains…

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Coast 2 Coast AM regular stand-in and host of Zoomer radio’s Conspiracy Show, Richard Syrett, interviews Eric Dubay, president of the International Flat Earth Research Society about the greatest lie and most successful cover-up in history, NASA and Freemasonry’s biggest secret, that we live on a plane, not a planet, that Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe. source

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In this episode of The Anarchast I speak with Jeff Berwick, “The Dollar Vigilante” about Statism vs. Anarchy/Voluntaryism and of course, the shape of the Earth! Please be sure to share, like, and subscribe for more interviews and flat Earth research. Also check out my Anarchy article archive at Atlantean Conspiracy: source

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The oldest and largest secret society in existence has a secret so huge and well-hidden, so contrary to what we have been taught to believe, that its exposure threatens to not only completely and single-handedly crush their New World Order “United Nations” but to radically reshape the entirety of modern academia, universities, the mainstream / alternative medias, all the world’s governments, space agencies, and the very Earth beneath our feet. source

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Ancient Buddhist, Vedic and Jain standard cosmologies mention that at the North Pole magnetic center of the Planet is a hill of magnetite called Mount Meru. The Puranic as well as Sumerian traditions additionally mentioned this “Mount Sumeru.” In Old Iran they mentioned Mount Hara Berezaiti with a celestial springtime on its greatest optimal in the world of the celebrities. In ancient Chinese works there is Mount Khun-Lun with a bronze Column of Heaven up where the immortals dwell. The Turkmen people of Southern Turkestan mention a copper column that notes the “marine of the Earth.” The Mongols created of…

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The following video makes the case that Mark Sargent, creator of “Flat Earth Clues,” is a disinformation agent on the level of the controlled opposition “Flat Earth Society”: source

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In this highly-informative and humorous podcast President of the International Flat Earth Research Society and webmaster of, Eric Dubay, talks with fellow conspiracy author and webmaster of, Mark Knight. Topics covered include flat Earth science vs. ball Earth pseudo-science, the various proofs/evidence for the geocentric flat Earth and debunking the supposed proofs/evidence for the heliocentric ball-Earth, the North Pole and South Pole (or lack thereof) and the Antarctic ice-rim, the Sun, Moon, eclipses, seasons, Polaris, stars, planets, NASA, the fake Moon and Mars landings, the controlled opposition Flat Earth Society vs. the legitimate International Flat Earth Research Society,…

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The following interview features myself, Eric Dubay, president of the International Flat Earth Research Society talking with DJ Buttamilk (Dan Lefkowitz) of Brattleboro, Vermont community radio. source

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For thousands of years the “planets” were known as “wandering stars” as they differ from the fixed stars in their relative motions only. Through a telescope both the fixed stars and wandering “planets” appear as nothing more than tiny round dots of light, luminaries, circling the night sky. They do NOT appear in any way to be spherical Earth-like terra firma balls capable of landing on as the Freemasons at NASA would have us believe with their fake CGI pictures and videos. source

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