Author: Eric Dubay

The International Space Station, just like everything else brought to us by NASA, is a fake Freemasonic hoax, a complete fabrication done with special effects, models, pools, zero G planes, and various camera tricks. The above video exposes key points of evidence for the hoax and breaks down exactly how the illusion is created and maintained. source

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From the beginning of recorded history, and for thousands upon thousands of years, cultures across the entire world all believed the Earth was flat. Their various cosmologies and cosmogonies differed in slight ways but their overall geographies and astronomies were incredibly consistent and in fact virtually identical. The Earth was a stationary plane void of any motion or curvature, flat across its entire expanse except of course for hills, mountains and valleys. The North Pole was the magnetic mono-pole center-point of the flat Earth with Polaris, the North Pole star situated directly above. Polaris was the only motionless star in…

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NASA and modern astronomy claim that Earth is a sphere, but not a perfect sphere, an “oblate spheroid,” and not only oblate, but even bigger in the southern hemisphere like a pear. Heliocentrists have contended this for centuries now because the Earth was conclusively proven to be flatter than they originally claimed, so they back-peddled re-labeling it an oblate spheroid flattened at the poles. Then it was proven that the area in the southern hemisphere exceeded that of the northern (as consistent with the flat-Earth model) so they reverse-engineered another damage-control explanation that Earth is actually not a sphere or…

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Ancient civilizations the world over believed Earth to be the flat, immovable center of the universe around which the heavens revolved daily cycles in perfect circles. This stable geocentric universe, proven true by experience and experiments, which reigned undisputed for thousands of years adequately explaining all Earthly and celestial phenomena, was violently uprooted, spun around, and sent flying through infinite space by a cabal of Sun-worshipping theoretical astronomers. Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-not counter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry have pulled off the greatest…

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Whether at sea-level, the top of Mount Everest, or flying over a hundred thousand feet in the air, the always horizontal horizon line always rises up to meet the eye-level of the observer and remains perfectly flat. You can test for yourself on a beach or hilltop, in a large field or desert, aboard a hot-air balloon or helicopter; you will see the panoramic horizon ascend with you and remain completely level all around. If the Earth were actually a big ball, however, the horizon should sink as you ascend, not rise to your eye-level, and it would dip at…

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Wolves in sheep’s clothing have pulled the wool over our eyes. For almost 500 years, the masses have been thoroughly deceived by a cosmic fairy-tale of astronomical proportions. We have been taught a falsehood so gigantic and diabolical that it has blinded us from our own experience and common sense, from seeing the world and the universe as they truly are. Through pseudo-science books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time. source

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Having been an active figure in the conspiracy community over 10 years now, I can safely and confidently say that Alex Jones and David Icke, the world’s two most popular conspiracy theorists, and Above Top Secret, the world’s biggest conspiracy forum (and many more figures within the conspiracy community), are in fact controlled opposition working directly with the government / corporate powers that be. In the following videos I expose facts like Alex Jones’ and AboveTopSecret’s C.I.A. connections and explain the nature of intelligence agency honeypots, how they effectively gather intel, poison the well, and control the conspiracy opposition by…

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Having been an active figure in the conspiracy community over 10 years now, I can safely and confidently say that Alex Jones and David Icke, the world’s two most popular conspiracy theorists, and Above Top Secret, the world’s biggest conspiracy forum (and many more figures within the conspiracy community), are in fact controlled opposition working directly with the government / corporate powers that be. In the following videos I expose facts like Alex Jones’ and AboveTopSecret’s C.I.A. connections and explain the nature of intelligence agency honeypots, how they effectively gather intel, poison the well, and control the conspiracy opposition by…

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Many people are happy to accept the notion that God is some external entity like a bearded white man in the clouds who created us and watches over the universe like a cosmic fishbowl. Others are happy to accept that there is no God and the universe, consciousness, life, matter, space and time are all the result of a random spontaneous big bang accident. Personally, neither of these ideas have ever resonated with me, and both are relatively modern. Read the full article here: source

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