Author: Eric Dubay

Yoga is an ancient vedic science of consciousness aimed at training the human body, mind and spirit for a state of perfect spiritual insight and emotional tranquility. The yogic discipline is composed of various exercises practiced and refined for millennia by Indian maharishis and yogis including breath control, meditation, stretching, seated postures, standing postures, and isometric locks. The benefits of regular yoga practice are wide and varied: it relieves stress, general body aches, pains, anxiety and depression, increases stamina, lung capacity, core strength, mindfulness, mental clarity and focus, improves posture, poise and patience, promotes longevity and cellular regeneration, boosts energy…

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Yoga is an ancient vedic science of consciousness aimed at training the human body, mind and spirit for a state of perfect spiritual insight and emotional tranquility. The yogic discipline is composed of various exercises practiced and refined for millennia by Indian maharishis and yogis including breath control, meditation, stretching, seated postures, standing postures, and isometric locks. The benefits of regular yoga practice are wide and varied: it relieves stress, general body aches, pains, anxiety and depression, increases stamina, lung capacity, core strength, mindfulness, mental clarity and focus, improves posture, poise and patience, promotes longevity and cellular regeneration, boosts energy…

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Yoga is an ancient vedic science of consciousness aimed at training the human body, mind and spirit for a state of perfect spiritual insight and emotional tranquility. The yogic discipline is composed of various exercises practiced and refined for millennia by Indian maharishis and yogis including breath control, meditation, stretching, seated postures, standing postures, and isometric locks. The benefits of regular yoga practice are wide and varied: it relieves stress, general body aches, pains, anxiety and depression, increases stamina, lung capacity, core strength, mindfulness, mental clarity and focus, improves posture, poise and patience, promotes longevity and cellular regeneration, boosts energy…

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Yoga is an ancient vedic science of consciousness aimed at training the human body, mind and spirit for a state of perfect spiritual insight and emotional tranquility. The yogic discipline is composed of various exercises practiced and refined for millennia by Indian maharishis and yogis including breath control, meditation, stretching, seated postures, standing postures, and isometric locks. The benefits of regular yoga practice are wide and varied: it relieves stress, general body aches, pains, anxiety and depression, increases stamina, lung capacity, core strength, mindfulness, mental clarity and focus, improves posture, poise and patience, promotes longevity and cellular regeneration, boosts energy…

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The following is a political/anarchy question and answer session in Thai language with English subtitles. Please excuse my regrettable spoken Thai skills as this is from many years ago before I was fluent. source

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In this clip I show a deep breathing technique and how it has moved my physical heartbeat to the center of my torso under my sternum. From 0:40-1:07 the noise that sounds like a distant engine or a cat purring is actually me inhaling using a pranayama / qigong deep breathing technique. From 1:07-1:37 you can see my heartbeat at my solar plexus but nowhere else in the upper left quadrant of the chest showing how daily deep breathing practice will bring about both literal and figurative heart centeredness! source

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The following is a variation of Nauli Kriya used to help digest food in the stomach by internally exercising (pushing and pulling) the diaphragm assisting with better digestion, assimilation, and elimination. Better still it makes a great gross party trick for freaking out your friends. source

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The Ministry of Health Park in Ngam Wong Wan, Bangkok, Thailand is a beautiful, quiet place nearly unknown to locals and foreigners alike. Take a walk with me around the park and temple grounds. source

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The Ancient City in Samut Prakan, Thailand is a huge open-air museum filled with temples, palaces, parks, statues, fountains and waterfalls. The following video is a compilation showing some of the beautiful attractions at this historic site. http://www.IFERS.INFO source

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What is the #1 most important key factor to achieving and maintaining optimum health, energy, longevity, vitality, and wellness? Is it genetics, diet, exercise, hydration, sleep, mindset, environment? Certainly all of these factors are very important, but in fact they are all secondary to something most doctors and lay-people alike completely overlook… Read the Entire Article Here: http://www.IFERS.INFO source

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