Author: FENews

If you can actually look at the actual lunar lander and not immediately see NASA is a fraud agency then you may have clicked on the wrong channel. Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app by Blue Water Bay To book Flat Earth Dave on your show and click the link at the top Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours. If you want to know the truth about our flat world, watch these videos in order and there will be no turning back. source

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It seems like they all think it's the south pole which it clearly isn't. Even if the model was wrong, you'd think they could grasp that the concept of gravity (again, assuming it's right) attracts all mass to the center of the earth. I mean. I understand that the flat earth model uses density, constant acceleration, a magic force that just knows where down is or electromagnetism (all wrong) to determine where "down" is. “”>View Reddit by texas1982 – View Source

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I got a question. I belive the earth is flat but I’m having trouble understanding if space does not exist why does nasa have thousands of documents talking about there space travels and plans I find it hard to belive that they are just making up a bunch of nonsense and fake documents among themselv “”>View Reddit by BenefitSweet4472 – View Source

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