Author: FENews

Video mirrored from. Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan and Brazil Earth is NOT a Globe. Great Circle Routes are nothing but shortcuts between latitude lines extended on a non-rotating Earth. Here is everything you need to know about “Great Circle Routes”. Get the PDF book for free: Print version: FREE High Resolution flat-Earth Map: source

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SUBSCRIBE to Flat Earth Brothers. This video is for the globe believers that rely on the “proofs” they have been indoctrinated to believe. ALL evidence points to the globe being the real deception, the problem is how do you make someone look? Big thanks to the “Flat Earth Brothers” youtube channel for another excellent video. source

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Our education system neglects to teach us about the angular resolution limits of our eyes along with terrestrial and celestial perspective. Viewing a ship (terrestrial object) from a terrestrial vantage point can be brought back into view by zooming in and increasing its angular size. Viewing a celestial object like the sun or moon from a terrestrial view point can NOT be zoomed in on once it sets because its image is now blocked from the density of the Atmospheric Deck Of Opacity (ADOO) source

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Yo Dan, when are you going to do a video with DITRH , Eric Dubay or any other real researcher? Oh, that’s right, you said never because it’s not worth your time discussing science that is already proven although you spend week after week crafting your bull crap videos that show ZERO science. source

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