Author: FENews

Uma ferramenta essencial para explicar a TERRA PLANA para seus amigos. O relógio demonstra como funcionam as estações do ano, como o sol e a lua se movem pelo zodíaco, o dia e a noite no mundo inteiro. Diariamente, o aplicativo compartilha vídeos que ajudam as pessoas a aprender mais sobre o nosso mundo. Use a contagem regressiva para marcar o seu próximo grande evento. *DISPONÍVEL JÁ* na Google Play e na Apple. *link para iPhone:* *link para Android:* source

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Balls Out Physics full play list. A MUST see! The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. A great tool to show friends and strangers how the flat earth works. With Google’s censorship of the truth the daily videos serve as a way around the deliberate censorship of the truth. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY! Click the link below to install the iOS App Click the link below to install the Android App source

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The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. A great tool to show friends and strangers how the flat earth works. With Google’s censorship of the truth the daily videos serve as a way around the deliberate censorship of the truth. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY! Click the link below to install the iOS App Click the link below to install the Android App source

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The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. A great tool to show friends and strangers how the flat earth works. With Google’s censorship of the truth the daily videos serve as a way around the deliberate censorship of the truth. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY! Click the link below to install the iOS App Click the link below to install the Android App source

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The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. A great tool to show friends and strangers how the flat earth works. With Google’s censorship of the truth the daily videos serve as a way around the deliberate censorship of the truth. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY! Click the link below to install the iOS App Click the link below to install the Android App source

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The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. A great tool to show friends and strangers how the flat earth works. With Google’s censorship of the truth the daily videos serve as a way around the deliberate censorship of the truth. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY! Click the link below to install the iOS App Click the link below to install the Android App source

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The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. A great tool to show friends and strangers how the flat earth works. With Google’s censorship of the truth the daily videos serve as a way around the deliberate censorship of the truth. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY! Click the link below to install the iOS App Click the link below to install the Android App source

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The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. A great tool to show friends and strangers how the flat earth works. With Google’s censorship of the truth the daily videos serve as a way around the deliberate censorship of the truth. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY! Click the link below to install the iOS App Click the link below to install the Android App source

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