Welcome to "Monoflat" – the Monopoly edition where flat Earth theories rule the board and dark humor dictates the economy. Forget about buying properties; here, you're acquiring conspiracy theories and building domes over them to protect them from the prying eyes of logic and reason.


Board Setup:

  • The game board is a flat disc, naturally, divided into four quadrants: the Ice Wall, the Dome Sky, the Ancient Civilizations, and the Modern Myths. Instead of railroads, there are conspiracy channels that transport you through wormholes of disbelief. The utilities are now replaced with "Sources of Misinformation" – the Internet and Tabloids.


  • Player pieces include a turtle (on which the Earth supposedly rests), a flat coin (representing the flat Earth), a pigeon (allegedly a government surveillance drone), and a tin foil hat (for blocking government mind control).


  • Currency is in "Credulity Credits." The more outlandish your belief, the more you earn. Inflation is rampant, as credibility is exceedingly low.


  • Instead of properties, players buy conspiracy theories. Starting from "The Moon Landing Was Faked" and moving up to "The World Is Controlled by Lizard People." Houses and hotels are replaced with Echo Chambers and Domes, where you can echo your theories and protect them from outside scrutiny.

Chance and Community Chest:

  • Replaced by "Echo Chamber" and "Whisper Network" cards, offering instructions like "You've been invited to speak at a Flat Earth conference. Collect 200 Credulity Credits" or "Your latest YouTube video got debunked. Go back 3 spaces."


  1. Debunking: If a player lands on an owned conspiracy theory, they must pay Credulity Credits, or attempt to debunk it using the dice. A high roll supports their argument, but a low roll means they've been sucked deeper into the conspiracy.
  2. The Ice Wall: Landing here means you've hit the edge of the world. You can choose to pay a fine to return or take a risk by attempting to climb the wall, potentially gaining a large sum of Credulity Credits for discovering "the truth."
  3. The Dome Sky: Control this to manipulate weather and charge other players for passing through your controlled climate zones.

Winning the Game:

  • The game ends when players either run out of Credulity Credits or one player manages to monopolize the board with their domes, proving once and for all that the Earth is as flat as their ability to reason. The winner is hailed as the Grand Flat Master, destined to spend their days shouting into the void of the Internet, their victory as hollow as the Earth is round.

In "Monoflat," every move is a satirical jab at the expense of science and common sense. Remember, in this game, it's not about what you own, but what you believe. And just like the real flat Earth theory, the only real way to win is not to play.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1ao0cm6/monoflat_new_flat_earth_game_just_released/”>View Reddit by kickypieView Source


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