I recently spoke with a flat earth believer who explained to me that satellites are there to monitor that no one goes beyond the ice wall around the flat earth. I didn't bother to prove that it was false and pointless (there are much simpler ways to monitor the population, and satellites are not precise enough to detect a human from orbit, anyway…).

However, I asked him what he thought about rocket launches, in relation to the Apollo program or simply recent launches… He replied that they were fake launches and that the rockets secretly return to Earth.

It's just one recent conversation among others, but now that I'm on Reddit and have access to people who believe in these theories and are civil enough to discuss without calling me a government collaborator, I wanted to ask you the following question:

How do you explain the numerous inconsistencies and impossible connections in your explanations to have an "irrefutable" flat earth theory?

(I have a good dozen contradictions of the same kind)

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1eb1clv/how_do_you_manage_the_countless_contradictions_in/”>View Reddit by Additional-Bell8256View Source


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