Think about how many people would have to be in on the flat earth theory and none of them will ever utter that it could ever be flat, NASA has 18000 people working that rely on a globe model, space x 13000 people, Lockheed Martin >100000, Raytheon 180000, anybody who travels below the equator, not to mention countless other agencies, with 500,000 people yearly doing a physics degree with many other degrees such as astronomy and engineering, all who do work outside that requires a globe earth model.

I would love to believe in flat earth I just have some apprehension

So your telling me several million people do work that relies on the globe earth and all hide this secret. And not one whistleblower, and don’t give some bullshit example of one pilot with a sense of humour. Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking could realise that a globe model predicts every astronomical event with perfect accuracy, every thing from day to night to seasons to meteor showers to eclipses, all predicted with a globe earth model, all accounted for with physics, when was the last time a flat earth believer could explain why the sun and moon move as they do, explain forces, and is able to predict the features above, yet a flat earth model relies on stupid arguments with vast flaws of vanishing point and refraction. Ffs, get a couple of flat brained individuals from different continents to take some measurements of the sun and moons angular position, plot it, and I can guarantee it will not work, not to mention the lack of a model that can have accurate distances and shapes of countries,
cmon how come the southern tip Chile and South Africa can see the sun at the same time in the summer months yet in between them lies Europe and they won’t be able to see it.

I will gladly spread the gospel of the flat earth if a model that has non distorted distances exists. Even better if you can predict eclipses and provide reason for the non linear path of the sun and the moon

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